It’s very strange.
You daven, daven, and daven… and after five years, you see positive results.
Thankfully, Gilad Shalit was released today in rather good condition, considering everything he went through. Of course, in return, Israel released 1000 Arab prisoners, many who have a lot of Jewish blood on their hands. It raises an interesting halachic question, whether one can make such a deal. Not only will this encourage more kidnappings, but these same “heroes of Gaza” will most likely be seen again. Either way, I would hate to be the ones making such a decision, since it’s undoubtedly a tough one to make.
At least he’s alive and well.
“And to Zevulun he said, ‘Rejoice Zevulun when you go out and Yissochor in your tent’” (Devarim 33:18)
We all know the famous partnership between the tribes of Yissochor and Zevulun. The tribe of Yissochor were in the kollel all day, while the tribe of Zevulun were merchants who worked throughout the day, sharing their income to support Yissochor. The equally famous dvar torah from the above pasuk is that Zevulun is mentioned first because without Zevulun’s income, Yissochor would not be able to sit and learn uninterrupted.
The Ohr HaChayim writes: “The reason Zevulun can feel joy in his going out to do business is because Yissochor is studying Torah in his tent. Since Zevulun is enabling Yissochor to study Torah with his business ventures, it elevates all that he does to make a profit into a mitzvah, and when one is engaged in a mitzvah one should feel joy.”
There is such a concept today as a “Yissochor and Zevulun” partnership, where one person takes on the financial burden of somebody learning full time. It’s not a simple matter of giving some money, but, I believe, he is obligated to give half of everything he makes to the person he is supporting. His whole reason d’etre of working is to support Torah.
Giving some money to help support Torah scholars is certainly a worthwhile endeavor. However, to dedicate one’s “working life” to help support Torah, while keeping only a little for his own personal needs, is completely different. When a person has that attitude, every second of the day he spends in his office, earns him a huge amount in the World to Come.
Have a great Shabbos and Yom Tov!