Emor: Todah Hodah Rabbah

Very few people know this, but Frum.org has a secret editor working for it over the past several years.  It seems Ms. X, currently living in northern Israel (no, not my wife, she would never edit for me for free), was tired of my grammatical errors and volunteered herself to lookover all the Dvrei Torah before being sent out.

Unfortunately, she has hit a rough patch which has lasted longer than expected and she’s now in a situation where she is in critical need of more work.  In addition to editing, and teaching English, she has experience in writing and is very familiar with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.  She’s even worked as a math tutor (which, between you and me is strange, since usually language people aren’t so go with math and visa-versa).

If anybody might have any need, or knows somebody with a need, for an employee in this area, for example, a remote secretary, online teacher, editor, writer, etc… well… I have somebody available!  The work could be full-time, part-time, or project-based.  Right now, any work would be greatly appreciated and would help her situation out.

If anybody has any leads, they can contact me and I can put them in contact with her.

"When you sacrifice a thanksgiving offering to Hashem, sacrifice it so that it may be acceptable in your favor" (Vayikra 22: 29).

The "Korban Todah," the "Thanksgiving Offering," is the only one that the Torah uses the language "acceptable in YOUR favor," compared to the standard language "His favor."  To understand this, we first need to explain a famous pasuk from Tehillim that is used in Hallel.

"O L-RD, I am Your servant, Your servant, the son of Your maidservant; You have undone the cords that bound me. I will sacrifice a Thanksgiving Offering to You and invoke the name of the L-RD" (Tehillim 116:17).

The Maharit explains it as follows:

"O L-RD, I am Your servant, Your servant, the son of Your maidservant" – I am a mere human.  Son of a mere human.  I am also Your servant.  A servant who is completely dependent on you for everything in life, including life itself.  How can I possibly do anything against Your will?

"You have undone the cords that bound me" – Yet … You have given me free choice.  I can either do Your will or go against it.

"I will sacrifice a Thanksgiving Offering to You" – The word "Todah" is related to the word "Hodah," to agree or to acknowledge. And there is no concept of "Hodah" unless there is the ability to not agree or acknowledge (for example, we don't acknowledge the sun or air, since it's there and there's no room to disagree on that point).  Therefore, Dovid HaMelech is saying, "Even with my free choice to not acknowledge Your presence in this world, I WILL acknowledge it! And I will call out Your name!"

With that, explains Rav Yom Tov Lipman Halprin, is the key to the Korban Todah.  A person does not bring a Korban Torah to thank Hashem for the bounty of the physical world (for Hashem's favor). Rather he brings it to thank Hashem for the ability to choose whatever he wants, and nevertheless he says, "I'm dedicating my 'choice' towards You and I'm acknowledging Your constant presence in my life.  He's, in essence, thanking Hashem for the ability to direct HIS "favor" in the way he sees fit.

We see how great the "power of choice" is.  Hashem did not create robots to serve Him, but created Man to choose to serve himself in Hashem's direction.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!